¿Quiénes somos?

Who are we?
Family Life Pastor

Dave Myers



Family Life Pastor: Dave Myers
Phone: 626.351.2441

Visit Us On YouTube

Even though we are not able to gather in person during this time, Family Life Ministries are creating weekly lessons for Children's Ministries, Special Needs Ministries, and Student Ministries on our Youtube channel. New content is uploaded weekly, so take a moment and catch up on what you've missed.

PazNaz Family Life on YouTube

PazNaz Kids

Birth - Grade 5
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Visit Us On YouTube

Even though we are not able to gather in person during this time, PazNaz Kids are creating weekly lessons on our Youtube channel. A new Godly Play video for Preschool-K and a teaching video for 1st-5th graders are uploaded weekly, so take a moment and catch up on what you've missed.

PazNaz Kids on Youtube
Compassion Camp

In case you missed it this summer, Compassion Camp was a "Virtual Vacation Bible School" where kids and their families explored what it means to have compassion for others, ourselves, and the world. We hope that PazNaz families with kids age 4 through exiting 5th graders will participate in this with us!

This online event featured 5 weeks of content and 20 interactive videos. Access everything right now!

Go to Compassion Camp

Student Ministries

Grades 6-12
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Fall Calendar

You won't want to miss all that we have planned for the fall ... that's why we made you this fancy fall schedule. Print it out and keep a copy with you wherever you go.

Fall Calendar
In-Person Small Groups
Starting the week of September 13

As we begin a new season of social distancing, we want to provide opportunities for students to meet in a small group with our adults and each other. These groups will meet outdoors while wearing masks. Sign up today!

Sign up for Small Groups

Special Needs Ministries

Children, Adults, and Support for Families
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Weekly Zoom Meetings

We are offering two weekly zoom meetings for special needs teens and adults. If you or a family member would like to participate, contact Pastor Dave Myers at dmyers@paznaz.org or 626.351.2441.

  • Wednesdays: 6:15-7:30 pm
  • Sundays: 9:15-10:15 am