Faith Promise
What is Faith Promise?
A Faith Promise pledge for Global Missions, is an act of faith that says, “If God provides during the next 12 months, I will pledge to give __________ for Nazarene Global Missions.“
All Faith Promise gifts received will be used to complete our annual commitments to the Nazarene World Evangelism Fund. Any excess funds will be used for PazNaz Global Mission Initiatives such as Work and Witness projects, emergency needs in world areas, and to bring Nazarene missionaries to PazNaz to educate us on what God is doing around the world.
Pledge to Help!
The World Evangelism Fund is the foundation for discovering, delivering, and resourcing the Nazarene Missions organization around the world, and it is funded through the generous, sacrificial giving of people and churches throughout the world. Please prayerfully consider an offering beyond your tithe.